Chapter 11

Dissolving Limiting Concepts

Delight, Succinctly

The New is Now

The Plight of the Earth Mother

Sanctuary of Peace

Dissolving Limiting Concepts



Garden of the Goddess

Songs of Intention

Mastery in the Midst of Madness

sour cherry blossoms

Delight, Succinctly

December 27, 2014

Delight = of/from the light.

Clarity is clear light within oneself.

Smiles from the heart express inner light, inner radiance.

Inner radiance transforms.

Inner sunshine is golden sustainability.

Bright has a rheostat which may be turned up willfully.

Bright inner sunshine nurtures Amused and Joyful.

Joy is playful, and inherently a high vibrational dance of energy/Light.

Light is Source energy; Source energy is Love.

The higher vibrational frequency energy which is constantly being poured into Earth’s energy field, and anchored by those who are in harmony with it, is Love.

Happy anchoring! 

The energy is Love

             the dance is constant

    vibrant, joyful.

(from the song “Now is the Time”, 2007)

The New is Now

December 31, 2014

Like a child full of wonder and a confident sense of possibility, I had no idea about the potential of the Knowingness I was inviting.

I haven’t been disappointed.

The multidimensional view, accessed inside oneself through heart-direction, is exhilarating.  When rooted well, it is also functionally practical.  One develops a clear, inner-directed focus.  And, efficiently, answers arrive where the questions are asked.

Now imbued with a feeling of new, including new focus, early in December I began designing this new website.  It succinctly offers a glimpse of all the writing-related projects inspired since December of 1990.  One can take in a wide view readily.

This design also provides a framework which allows expansion with ease.

For me, the new website is a metaphor.  The metaphor is: Arrival, New Beginning, Expansion.  And the timing feels perfect.

With Gratitude, Amusement and Delight

Most people celebrate a turning point on the first of January.  For me, the celebration is on December 31st.  That is the day when, in 1990, in the predawn hour, I called in a “spirit guide”.

Amid a lifestyle which was in many ways enjoyable and rewarding, I wanted to enrich the experience of being present on Earth.  Also I felt a sense of having forgotten… something…  I sensed there were ways of perceiving what I had forgotten.  And perhaps, something I was to do.  And I wanted to remember.

The Plight of the Earth Mother

January 15, 2015

The vibrational frequency of the Garden differs entirely from that which has predominated on Earth for aeons.  Thus the Garden Earth is unseen — and largely unexperienced.  The pristine Garden is held in the higher vibrational frequency of Love.

In a sense this is where the disharmony began.  It was not understood by the nurturing Earth Mother, that some of the “children” who arrived on her surface were not attuned to her expansive and benevolent frequencies.

The glorious Garden was a joyful playground.  Not all the children who arrived to play in this beautiful Garden were in harmony with it.  The Earth Mother presumed that it was her role to accept and nurture all.  Soon some of her “children” were out of control, causing disruption and slowing vibration.  This resulted in increasing density, and primitiveness in form.

The spirit of the Earth Mother remained visible in some pristine areas on Earth, but largely withdrew to the etheric realms, and into the Dreamtime.

Where there has been a forgetting, there can be a remembering.

The long ago and faraway place when Earth was pristine and peaceful, though now largely disappeared in form, continues to exist in the etheric realms.  It also exists as legend and myth, imagination and longing.  Accessible on the inner levels — within what some call the Dreamtime — it is also very real to those who attune to the pulsation of Earth as a conscious being, often called Gaia.

Within this vibrational pattern we find the Earth Mother, she who presides over the Garden Earth and welcomes those who are able to harmonize with her — and her expansive energy.

Even the ancient dragons who protected Earth from those who were not in harmony with Love and expansion vanished into mythology, folklore and artistic renderings.

Experience had to be had for understanding to be reached.  Eventually the Earth Mother realized that there were other places in existence — suitable for, and available to, the dissonant frequencies that have occupied Earth for aeons — where these disruptive “children” could find new homes.

Now the separation is ongoing and vibrational purity is being restored to the Earth.  As the speed of light continues to increase, and inputs of galactic energy continue to bathe our solar system in energy which produces evolution in consciousness, the New Garden Earth emerges.

The plight of the Earth Mother is being resolved.  That which has been long protected in the etheric realms is now emerging as tangible reality within Earth experience.  Increasingly, there are those who are consciously living within — and demonstrating — the expansive energy of the New Garden Earth.

The energy is Love

the dance is constant

vibrant, joyful

(from the song “Now is the Time”, 2007)

Sanctuary of Peace

January 30, 2015

In a remote forest in India, a sanctuary of peace is at full capacity with visitors from around the world.  Here, every offering of energy and attention to a sacred fire — during the singing of ancient Sanskrit chants — radiates waves of peace, well being and prosperity and acknowledgement that Source energy pervades all.

This ceremony also re-enacts the process of transformation from the darkness to the light, and intends peace for the world through the transformation of perception.

What may seem foreign to those unfamiliar with Indian traditions is, however, recognizable at its core.  It is a variation on the same theme which is rooted in every culture.

The theme is our awareness of all pervading Source energy — by whatever name we choose to call it — and our connection to this energetic flow.

Our ability to soar into the heights of peace and understanding is within us — beyond the ordinariness in which we may feel mired.  Mired has no socio-economic parameters; it is only a matter of scale and experience.

So too, the freedom we can find — within ourselves — is accessible to everyone.  Universal truth simply is.  In this place of understanding, smiles from our hearts express our true nature.

To become tuned to another harmonic, a higher vibrational frequency of Love, we need only be exposed to it — to be reminded that it exists.  It is the awakening of a memory within ourselves — a memory which transcends time and space and takes us back to the primal fire/Source energy which we all embody on Earth.

As we discover, within ourselves, how to walk upon this planet in a new way — limiting concepts dissolved into the radiance of peace, understanding, delight, joy, appreciation — our world is transformed.

Dissolving Limiting Concepts

February 05, 2015

And who, or what, is your High Self?  Directly aligned with your Soul, your High Self is that which speaks to you without words.  It is your feeling perception in the form of intuition, and internal guidance.  It is Knowingness.  Most of us were disconnected from our High Self/inner awareness when we were very young.

In the dissolving of limiting concepts, it is hugely advantageous to re-establish your connection with your High Self.  Your High Self has been residing inside you all along.  Clearly, it is not necessary to search for something that is already within yourself.  Simply say, “Hello”.  Welcome the conscious re-connection.  This is a beginning.  You will likely find that this awareness — this Knowingness — has been tapping you on your shoulder, metaphorically speaking, trying to get your attention for some time.

The aligning of your personality self with your High Self is a happily powerful collaboration in the dissolving of limiting concepts.  With your High Self as compass, there is a shift in perspective.  This includes a new freedom to choose, and a new and sparkling spontaneity balanced by your steps wisely placed.

As you welcome this re-connection, remember that your High Self and your Soul are well adapted to the higher vibrational frequencies.  It is their home.  It is your physical body, along with your conscious perception (and personality self) which has to make an adaptation.  Simply allow it.  As you adapt to your own Knowingness, any inexplicable discomfort disappears.  Discomfort is replaced by delight — delight that you are rediscovering your own magic!

Also remember:  Thus far, most are too busy with their preoccupations to be consciously aware of the new higher vibrational frequency energy and its effects.  Everyone has their own timing within this process.  As with any clearing of a pathway, those who are aligning themselves with these new energies — Now — are opening the pathway for others to discover when they are ready to do so.

Congratulate yourself. Enjoy yourself.  Appreciate yourself.  Love yourself.
Remember your Self.

The landscape is snow covered here in New England as the second half of Winter begins. 

Midwinter, this year, coincides with a Full Moon.  Moonlight is the Sun’s light reflected, and that which is being reflected to us — by the Moon and the Sun — is increasingly intense amid the ongoing solar energy waves which are constantly being received on Earth.

As we ourselves receive these solar energy waves of high vibrational frequency electro-magnetic energy, we are experiencing change within ourselves — whether consciously or not.  Because our feelings are magnetic and our thoughts are electric, it is impossible to not be affected.

These energy waves are affecting us in two primary ways:  (1) There is a clearing, from within us, of that which is not in harmony with the higher vibrational frequencies.  We are being nudged to release that which does not serve us — denser energy, including limiting concepts.  (2) This releasing creates space for our expansive discovery: how to happily walk upon this planet in a new way — with consistent delight and appreciation. 

It has been pointed out to me that limiting concepts are hard to dissolve.  Yes, this is true.  Part of the reason is the imprinting of familiarity, and thus concerns about entering unknown territory within yourself.  Also, giving yourself permission to expand beyond limiting concepts is part of the process.

Understand that, as you open to the dissolving of limiting concepts, your world as you know it will not come unglued.  Rather, a shift in perspective will provide a new clarity for you in the midst of all surroundings — both personal and less so, both near and far,

Consider how your feelings and steps feel lighter in the warmth of the Spring Sun.  So too, your feelings and steps can be lightened when you allow insight from your High Self.


February 11, 2015

Every dawn brings renewal — renewal of the Sun’s light as we perceive it from Earth.

My affinity for early morning began when I was very young.  Eventually, my inner compass began pointing east, with my preference for being present with each new dawn.

When sailing offshore, while in my early twenties, the pre-dawn watch was my favorite.  Not fond of cold, and warmed by hot tea, I anticipated the Sun’s arrival — a faint speck of orange barely visible at the horizon line between sea and sky.  And soon, very soon, the complete orange disk glowed from the east.  The morning chill would then be forgotten as the golden Sun climbed higher in the sky.

At my adopted home on the Maine coastline, my penchant for sunrise continued.  During the times when my schedule allowed, I watched the sunrise from an east-facing window.  Or, preferably, I walked along the shoreline to a favorite vantage point.  There I greeted the Sun and the beginning of the new day.

In a very real sense, this new website — and all of its contents — has evolved from those shoreline walks.

Facing the Sun was a part of the visual theme of the two websites that preceded this one.

I surely did not know, earlier on, that facing the Sun at dawn would lead me to a celebration of the New Earth, the New Garden Earth.  A feeling of celebration, however, has been present with me all along.

Enjoying a wide view, and bathed in the early light, my greeting the Sun has invariably been a time of celebration — a celebration of renewal, new beginnings, new opportunity.

In the golden light of early morning, there is the promise of the new day — including new beauty, and new delight.

The golden profile image that appears on this website suggests receptivity — receptivity to the Light and enjoyment within it.  In this way of being, the New Garden Earth roots inside oneself.

Celebration time is now — with every sunrise, and in every moment.


March 09, 2015

I find that, in my awareness, I’m moving back and forth from the snow-covered landscape in the Moonlight to the sun-warmed sand along the stretch of shoreline which is so familiar that the textures, the sounds, the smells are etched in my heart.

It is the heart space in which we most vividly reside.  This becomes more clearly apparent every day.  Amid the ongoing outer world changes which are influenced by the continually increasing solar activity, it is our inner space in which balance and harmony and peace prevail.

Once again my attention shifts to the rhythmic sounds of the shoreline and that which is constant amid the appearance of change.

With this compelling glimpse of the eternal — rhythms larger than those defined by the invented clock and calendar — we come face to face with ourselves, and our heart-felt recognition of another dimension present within us.

The Knowingness we may have forgotten, amid our schedules and our to-do lists, beckons from our heart space.  Here is opportunity, calling from our Soul, to redefine our priorities into conscious harmony with the vast, of which we are inherently a part.

The Full Moon, now waning, streams light onto a snow-covered landscape.  Soon there will be a steady melt, and the first signs of budding will further announce the arrival of early Spring.

My thoughts shift to the shoreline and a sense of timelessness as the waves lap against the sand on my favorite beach in the pristine quiet of the morning.

Concurrently, as Moonlight streams through the windows, I’m aware that the Moon’s light is the Sun’s light reflected.  And it is the Moon’s magnetic pull which creates the tidal rhythms and the steady arrival of the incoming waves on the beach.

We balance among the worlds of the finite and the infinite.  We are renewed and energized in the light of the Sun and the Moon — and our feeling, hearing, visual perception of the waves lapping against the shore — for light and vibration is who we are.

Timelessness is beyond the “ordinary reality” which has been our experience.  It is where we are going — steadily and surely, when we are ready — in the New Earth, the New Garden Earth.

Garden of the Goddess

March 22, 2015

For years I’ve envisioned a magical garden.  Until now, that beautiful garden has existed only as a vision.

Without the grounding balance of harmonious male participation, the envisioned garden hasn’t rooted into form.  The garden energy, without that essential grounding, is too ethereal to manifest into physical existence.

Whether we are feminine or masculine in form, the goddess energy exists — in varying degrees — in all of us.  We are all connected to the magical garden of the goddess.

I well remember when a song titled “The Garden of the Goddess” arrived with me.  The words flowed and I noted them down.  Revisiting that song now, I’m reminded of the archetypal layers which are expressed in four short verses and a chorus.

What follows is adapted from Golden Pebbles: Celebrating the New Earth.


He arrived at the gate of the garden of the goddess

for he had finally found his way.

Welcomed by the deer and the eagle,

   he entered silently and gratefully.


I see that you have set aside your sword

   and taken up your flute once again.

It has been many generations since you played for me –

   honoring the garden of the goddess.


Across time I have felt your call and longed for my return

   though the path eluded me,

I saw you in visions and my dreams

   and I kept your message carefully.”


As he began to play his flute, hummingbirds appeared

   attending to the garden flowers.

In the afternoon sun, the power of his song

   blended with the beauty all around.


“It is written in the stars that the time is now

   for songs of harmony, peace, and joy.

Honoring the balance of the goddess and the garden,

   I happily play my songs for you.”

From the glossary in Golden Pebbles:

Garden, New Garden Earth, New Earth – Note: Garden, New Garden Earth and New Earth are one and the same.  Arrival into the Garden is arrival into the wide view, which includes an intentional view of Earth as pristine.  In the New Garden Earth, renewal is and well-being is and understanding is.  The consciousness of humanity in the Garden is a higher frequency of understanding and illumined clarity.  Within the Garden celebration and joy abound, for humanity’s long journey – over countless lifetimes – has reached a point of fruition.  In the New Garden Earth, the possibilities and potential are beyond your imaginings.

Warrior, Warrior Energy – Defender and protector within the old paradigm, the warrior energy now emerges into a new archetype which includes “spiritual warrior”.  Though maintaining the skills honed through millennia, the role of the warrior energy will increasingly be redefined into one of peaceful, happy and harmonious co-creation within the New Garden Earth.

Garden of the Goddess

In 2005, the lyrics for “The Garden of the Goddess” were written.  During 2008, an essential progression of the “warrior energy” took place at the archetypal level.  This inspired the tune for “The Garden of the Goddess”.  Thus, this song was added to my sunrise drumming ceremonies in 2008.

“The Garden of the Goddess” is an allegory expressed in dialog between the evolving archetypal warrior and the goddess.  She has been holding – for millennia – a space for him to return to the “garden of the goddess”.

The return of the archetypal warrior to this garden place of harmony, peace, joy and balance energizes and completes all that the archetypal goddess energy has been nurturing and protecting.  The warrior's full participation in the balance, and the garden, makes possible that which has heretofore been largely missing within available Earth experience.

In the glossary, see: Garden, Warrior.

“The Garden of the Goddess” is shared within the energy of this Spring Equinox to further the widening of the pathway into the New Earth, the New Garden Earth.

Songs of Intention

April 03, 2015

From “Sacred Land”

Sacred land

Where Earth holds a memory

Of those who walked in harmony with her.

Return, return and remember

The light of many joined as one

Return, return and remember

The vision that has been inscribed

Among the rocks and trees

From “New Garden Earth

A vision dances in the winds of change

The gateway to the Garden Earth is open

Feel, if you will, step by step arrival

Into the place of harmony and peace.

It’s startling to see a mystical pathway overlapping an “outer world” one, and I must thank the Songs of Intention for this discovery.

After publishing “The Garden of the Goddess” in the previous miniblog, I began an intense focus on all of the Songs of Intention and Celebration — 36 of them. Their lyrics, together with the story behind the songs, had been documented in Golden Pebbles: Celebrating the New Earth (published in 2011).  However, most of the tunes have been available only inside my head.  It was clear that the songs needed to be available in musical notation.  Several — which have not been sung very often — had largely disappeared, and others were losing some of their musical phrasing.

On March 22nd, I re-entered the mystical world of the Songs of Intention to retrieve their melodies.  Thus began my first project during Spring and nine days of new opportunity to discover the gift of inspiration which had arrived with me from Summer 2002 into Autumn 2010.

From “Medicine Woman”

Now is the time to create

Vision comes into form so readily

The light on Earth expands and all is well

A pathway is open, the new garden grows.

From “Now is the Time”

Vision into form

arriving clearly

pathway open

Celebrating here

in the oasis

green Earth, blooming

The energy is Love

the dance is constant

vibrant, joyful

We create within this energy of Love — the vast knowingness which is inside us, and which we are remembering.  It is my feeling and experiential understanding that the vision itself is also derived from the energy of Love.    

When singing Songs of Intention and Celebration at sunrise for eight years, it never occurred to me that the energy I was sending forth would eventually return to me and land at my feet — opening a new step by step pathway.  The mystical pathway and the outer world pathway now converge.  I can only say, “Thank you.”

There is no doubt that the Light on Earth now expands, and vision can indeed come into form readily.

As I was retrieving the tunes, some of which had become quite the puzzle to re-assemble, I felt myself enveloped in new inspiration and understanding.  Sometimes that which is right in front of us is so obvious that we do not notice it.

Inwardly, I asked: “From among these songs, which ones are asking for attention right now?  Which messages are most relevant right now?”  The answer immediately arrived, as a list:

“The Garden of the Goddess” — see previous blog

“Sacred Land”, “New Garden Earth”, “Medicine Woman” — These three songs conclude Golden Pebbles.

“Now is the Time”

Mastery in the Midst of Madness

April 22, 2015

The shadows are the denser energy, the “madness”, the lack of balance that is everywhere around us in the outer world as the pace of change continues to accelerate.    

A pendulum swings to extremes only because it is not reaching equilibrium, a balance point.  A balance point is always in the center; the center is calm.  The extremes are the chaos.  Amid the noise and confusion in the outer world, we have within ourselves the point of balance.

Sometimes the noise that tries to separate us from ourselves is obvious, if we are paying attention: “must have now”, “must see now”, “must read now“, “must do now”, that which is “trending now”.  And sometimes it is subtle.

It was subtle noise that so thoroughly caught my attention last week as I explored, with a friend, an area in the New England countryside and then learned a bit of its history — human history.  Though there was nothing one could label as “bad”, there was definitely imbalance — old energy held and refusing to be released.

Soon I recognized that what I had experienced among the rocks and trees was the remnants of a micro-event, in recent decades.

The title of a potential book has been evolving for about two and a half years.  Months ago, when the title was “Mastery in the Midst of Madness”, I mentioned it to an acquaintance.

He asked, “When you say ‘mastery,’ do you mean mastery over other people?”

I shook my head, “No, not at all.  The only person over which one can have true mastery is oneself.”

He paused, as though reviewing the words he had just heard.  Then he said, “All right. You can go ahead and write that book.”

A few weeks ago, a new title for this possible book provided a new perspective from which the book will be written — if it is written.  In recent days, the “Mastery” title began to emerge as a MiniBlog.

* * * * * * * * * *

No matter how evolved we are, or may think we are, there are always more rungs on the ladder of Knowingness.  Someone once told me, “With every rung on the ladder, you will be challenged.”

I discovered that, whatever the challenge, it is an opportunity to stabilize the new point of balance and integrate the new perspective.  In the new higher vibrational frequency energies — increasingly greater light — this integration process, and the resulting clarity, can happen very quickly.  The greater the light, the more obvious the shadows.

That micro-event, and its era, is not disconnected from some of the denser fragmented energy of now.  The pendulum continues to swing to the same imbalance — variations on a theme.

How does one create a course-correction for imbalance — bring the pendulum back into a harmonious range around the center?

There are (and were, in that era too) more layers, existing concurrently — also unseen to the eyes, and yet felt.

These other layers are higher vibrational frequencies to which we now have greater access.

We may feel them momentarily when we experience an inexplicable sense of Joy and Delight and Happy Expansiveness — an indefinable presence wafting around us like a warm breeze.  Mastery in the Midst of Madness is the discovery of how to stay in that “place”, a point of peaceful balance into which we increasingly awaken and within which we happily co-create.

These layers are an inherent part of the New Earth, the New Garden Earth.  They have beckoned to humanity for some time.

Here, we can rediscover pristine Earth once again, and our celebratory place in this New Garden Earth.  From this “place”, our mastery of ourselves includes the ability to stay centered and balanced as the outer world pendulum swings between the extremes where agitation stirs.

As we do whatever-we-do in the doing-ness aspect of ourselves, we simultaneously anchor an Oasis of Calm and Certainty and radiate it outward in every direction.  This higher vibrational frequency energy, consistently maintained, has more influence than we know.

In the midst of the outer world, Knowingness and mastery walk hand in hand.  This is rooted through our inner world, aligned with Source.  While others may be trying to grab the brass ring on the metaphorical merry-go-round, and possibly quibbling over it, we ourselves have another preoccupation — that which we anchor, and that which we send forth.

We know that that which we send forth, accessed from within ourselves, is golden and will return to us — amplified.

This is the place of poise within the pace of change.  Expansive energy grows the New Garden Earth, nurturing us all into radiant blooming — if we will allow it.

* * * * * * * * * *

What was first a book title, and then a potential chapter within that book, has now become a MIniBlog.  This MiniBlog has released me from the previous book title, Mastery in the Midst of Madness.  Whether the book will continue to evolve, I cannot say.  I do know that its new title — as yet unannounced — seems to have landed nicely.

When I began writing this current MiniBlog, I did not know that it would be published on Earth Day — 45 years after Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970.  Earth Day is a day of appreciating the Earth, like every day has a possibility to be.  This celebration can be magnified if we celebrate ourselves in the New Garden Earth.  High vibrational frequency Celebration is the highest form of consciousness.